The Counselling Office for Pregnant Women and Studying with Children is a first-contact outreach center:
Beratungsstelle Helene-Mayer-Ring (Beratungszentrum)
Alte Mensa, Helene-Mayer-Ring 9
Beratungszentrum (support center), Entrance h
2nd floor, room h5
Nearest public transportation:
Subway U3 to Olympiazentrum
Consultation hours:
Thursday 14:00 to 17:00
Friday 10:00 to 13:00
Dipl.-Soz. päd. Sonja Simnacher
E-mail: sonja.simnacher@stwm.de
Fon: +49 89 357135-31
The platform Eltern im Netz (Parents on the Web) offers answers to a range of questions pertaining to pregnancy and parenting.
You’ll find advice in the Munich Student Union’s Wegweiser für Studierende mit Kind [Link funktionierte nicht am 28.20./ll](information for students with children).
We recommend that you apply to your closest municipal nurseries as early as possible – you can always turn down a place, if you’re offered one. Qualified parents can sign up for a place in the HFF nursery after their child’s birth – either centrally through the Studentenwerk (Student Union), or personally via email to the HFF women's representative.
Allocation of daycare places:
Children can only be registered (for student daycare) after their birth and must have reached the age of twelve months to be admitted to a nursery.
It is important that you apply for a daycare spot immediately, after the birth of your child. By registering online through the Studentenwerk (Student Union), you are automatically considered for all other student nurseries, as well, in case no slot is available in the HFF nursery.
You are also welcome to direct a request, even prior to your child’s birth, to the women's representative. Though the order of application has no influence on the allocation of slots, the women's representative can call a particular request to the attention of the Studentenwerk (Student Union). We recommend that parents contact the head of the nursery, Sonja Strassl, to arrange an appointment for advance viewing and an interview:
Sonja Strassl
Studentische Eltern-Kind-Initiativen e.V. (student parent-child daycare groups)
Studieren mit Kind (Studying with Child)
Pünktchen and Anton (nursery)
Fon: +49 89 68957-8700
The nursery offers eight places for students and 4 slots for HFF staff. For the student slots, HFF students have absolute priority.
Financial aid and scholarships
Landesstiftung für Mutter und Kind - Stipendien für schwangere Frauen in Notlagen
(For scholarships for pregnant women in distress, from the Foundation for Mother and Child)
Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen and Jugend
(Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth)
During the first three months of pregnancy, mothers can apply for financial aid from ProFamilia. Click here to request a consultation appointment.
The women's representative welcomes any information about additional financial aid or scholarships.