Prof. Michaela Kezele | Room 5.26

Debuty: Dr. Johannes Wende

“The women's representatives (Frauenbeauftragte) attend to preventing disadvantages for female academics, lecturers and students; they assist the university in the fulfillment of its duty to achieve equal rights for women and men.” (Bavarian University and College Act, Sect. 4, para 2/para 1)
18 Dezember 2017, from 17:30 3 Shortfilms about Gender, Diversity und Empowerment.
11 Dezember 2017, from 17:30 A glimpse of german film business - everything is going to change
Input about organisations like "Pro Quote" and other projects
04 Dezember 2017, from 17:30 What's going on at HFF Munich?The women's representative Morgane Remter und "Gender Image" present. Afterwards: Q&A
27 November 2017, from 17:30 We celebrate the acknkowledgement of the third sex
12 October 2017, 19:00-22:00, QFFM | 2nd Munich Queer Film Festival
For the first time, this festival is opening at the HFF Munich AudimaxX, under the auspices of the University’s women's representatives. Followed by an OPENING PARTY, at Minna Thiel.
Directed by : Camille Tricaud | Charlotte Funke | Mila Zhluktenko | DEU 2017 | 01:30 min.
Festival opener: Bar Bahar (In Between)
Directed by: Maysaloun Hamoud | ISR/FR 2016 | 103 Min. | Arabic w. German subtitles
Guest: Film director Maysaloun Hamoud
Short: Pussy
Directed by: Renata Gasiorowska | PL 2016 | 8 min.
Audience Choice QFFM | Queer Mixtape, May 2017
To read more about the entire program, go to:
01/02 July 2017, from 10:00, Into the Wild - Mentoring Workshop
The first workshop in the mentoring program for female filmmakers, INTO THE WILD.
Aside from various talks, the workshop offers an opportunity to network and exchange ideas with mentoring program participants.
02 March 2017, from 18:30, Money Makes the World Go Round
Under the supervision of Dr. Bernhard Goodwin and Corinna Lauerer, some journalism students have analyzed the current data from the World of Journalism Study. They will present current figures documenting the gender pay gap in German journalism.
This presentation is followed by a screening of We want sex... The film portrays the true story of a group of Ford seamstresses at the auto works in Dagenham, England, during the Swinging Sixties – their struggle against sexual discrimination and unequal pay. This charming, funny, and moving film shows the events that culminated in the British Equal Pay Act.
11 January 2017, from 19:00, Hidden Figures
Preview of the feature film Hidden Figures, with an introductory discussion by Claudia Czado (TUM) and Donna Ankerst (TUM)
Release date: Thursday, 2 February 2017, distributed by Twentieth Century Fox
Hosted by: Bavarian American Academy, in cooperation with Twentieth Century Fox and the University for Television and Film Munich
07 June 2013, 18:30, Miss Representation
Screening of the film Miss Representation, in cooperation with CONSTANTIN FILM – with an expert panel comprising #Aufschrei co-initiator Jasna Strick (24, to receive a Grimme-Preis, the prestigious television award, in June) and Professor Dr. Kinnebrock. The latter will be able to present current statistics on visibility and forms of representation of women in German media.
Here is a list of scholarships (updated: 1 June 2017).
For local support, contact the scholarship counselling service of the Munich Student Union.
The HFF International Office also offers support with obtaining scholarships .
Our Women's Representative also invites you to e-mail her any leads, information or personal experiences with these or other scholarships
Study by Rostock University, July 2017:
Audiovisuelle Diversität? Geschlechterdarstellungen in Film and Fernsehen in Deutschland
(Ausiovisual Diversity? The Representation of Gender in Film and Television in Germany)
Study, published by the FFA, February 2017:
GENDER UND FILM – Rahmenbedingungen und Ursachen der Geschlechterverteilung von Filmschaffenden in Schlüsselpositionen in Deutschland
(GENDER AND FILM – The Context and Causes of Gender Distribution in Key Positions in Germany)
Study by Rostock University and the Fraunhofer Institute, commissioned by ARD and ZDF, February 2017:
Gender im Fernsehfilm (Gender in Television Movies)
Analysis of movie dialogue from 2000 screenplays, April 2016
Film Dialogue from 2000 screenplays, Broken down by Gender and Age