When the once exceptional tennis talent, Toni (22), once again hits the ball over the fence of the local tennis court during training, his embittered coach forces him to retrieve the lost ball from the dense forest behind it. But in the dark forest, Toni realises to his horror that something else is waiting for him besides the ball. Toni's search for the ball turns into a search for himself, in which he has to ask himself whether he still wants to play the sport that made him great. And when a veritable tennis god wants to subject him to a grotesque ritual of self-discovery, Toni makes a decision with unforeseen consequences for his fading tennis career. SHORTS - Trinationales Filmfestival der Hochschule Offenburg//11.5.2023
Submission in the category Suchen und Finden
Bundesfestival Junger Film//17.6.2023
Submission in the category Schräger Film