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  • Survey AI in Film Industry

    Munich, December 11, 2024 - An international team of four experts, including two professors from the University of Television and Film (HFF), has launched the world's first global survey on the topic of “Artificial Intelligence in the Film Industry”.The survey was opened at the congress of the World Association of Film Schools CILECT in Beijing. This pioneering survey examines the impact and future potential of AI technologies in various areas of film production and distribution. Participation is open to everyone working in the film industry - your opinion is wanted!

    First Survey of its Kind

    The international survey entitled “Disruptions Ahead? The Impact of AI on Cinema” consists of 20 questions on current views in the film industry, possible fears among filmmakers and the potential that this technology could bring. The survey is the first comprehensive study to examine the use of AI in the film industry from a global perspective. The aim is to gain insights into current trends, challenges and opportunities faced by filmmakers worldwide. The survey is aimed at both established filmmakers and young talents who are working with new technologies and redefining the creative process. In addition to filmmakers, the survey also addresses people working in other professional fields in the film industry, such as teaching, PR and marketing as well as distribution and sales.

    Duration and Participation 

    The survey will run until the end of February 2025. The results will be published in summer 2025 and made available to both the film industry and academia. All filmmakers, producers, technicians and creatives are cordially invited to take part in the survey and share their experiences and opinions on the topic of artificial intelligence.

    By participating, you will help to gain key insights that could shape the future of film.

    To take part in the survey, please visit this link

    We look forward to your participation and your valuable contribution to the first global survey on artificial intelligence in the film industry!

    If you have any questions, please contact us:

    About the Team of Experts

    The team of experts consists of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter C. Slansky and Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sylvia Rothe (both HFF Munich), Prof. Jean-Paul Jarry (3IS - Institut International de l'Image et du Son France), and Petru Maier (European Film College, Denmark). In total, they have more than 100 years of professional and teaching experience. The team was also supported by the CreatiF-Center of the University of Television and Film Munich.

    About CreatiF Center

    The CreatiF Center at HFF Munich is a media lab for the testing of innovative technologies in film and television production. The CreatiF Center's mission is to establish new ways in the film production process, post-production and the utilization and distribution of film material.

    For press inquiries:
    Karmelina Kulpa
    PR & Marketing, CreatiF Center der HFF München