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What will remain...

WHAT WILL REMAIN…, when mankind has disappeared? What can be found, what will it tell about us? What will remain from modern Technology, from art, from a social order, from mankind? The answer: You cannot explain a culture, which has vanished! What do we leave behind, what do we keep for our successors? What do we do to be remembered, not to be forgotten, not to be unimportant in the long period of time? What do we save from our culture, our art and our technology? We dig in time capsules with documents and objects to be found in 100 or 1000 years. We try to save our ideas on microfilm and hide it in an old mine. We collect seeds, deep frozen plants to save them for the future. We build a clock to run for 10.000 years. We send messages with spacecrafts beyond our solar system, that will tell something about us when our civilization and the earth are already be gone.
What will all that tell about us?
WHAT WILL REMAIN… is a documentary, an essay and a thought about fragility of our life, our civilization and the short period in time we walk on this planet.

Filmladen Kassel e.V. || Kasseler Dokumentarfilm- und Videofest

Nomination in the category A-38 Produktionsstipendium

Babelsberger Medienpreis

Nomination in the category Bester Absolventenfilm – Dokumentarfilm

Internationales Dokumentarfilmfestival München//1.4.2010

Award in the category Publikumspreis in Silber Cinarchea Kiel

Internationales Dokumentarfilmfestival München//1.4.2010

Award in the category Preis der Jury der Cinarchea Kiel

Internationales Dokumentarfilmfestival München//1.5.2010

Award in the category Förderpreis Dokumentarfilm des FFF Bayern