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The Spell

After being exploited by THE HAND for far too long, a small group of sweatshop seamstresses organizes a ritual to summon an occult power to achieve better working conditions for themselves... But is this power strong enough to overtake the might of The Hand?

A magical-realistic tale about the textile industry, its workers and the power dynamics between the global North and South, accompanied by the mythical dream of a utopia...

up-and-coming || Int. Film Festival Hannover//22.11.2023

Submission in the category German Competition

Juvinale Salzburg//13.10.2023

Flimmern und Rauschen//15.3.2024


Submission in the category Junger Film

ShorTS International Film Festival //3.7.2024

Submission in the category Maremetraggio Competition

Encuentro para Cinéfagos - Festival de Cine-Arte en la Frontera//2024

Shortlist in the category Cortometraje de Ficción - Mención Especial

Festival Internacional de Cine de Cuenca//19.9.2024

Submission in the category Selección de Cortometrajes Internacionales

FILMZ - Festival des deutschen Kinos//8.11.2024

Award in the category Wettbewerb Andersartig

International Filmschool Fest Tétouan//24.11.2024

Award in the category International Competition - Prix Jury Étudiant & Prix de L'Innovation

Künstlerhaus Bethanien//6.7.2023

Submission in the category Art Exhibition “what we dream of, what we pay for”

Über Kurz oder Lang//27.12.2024